Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A New Beginning

Welcome to our blogspot.

Melbourne Macedonian is a team of young Greek men and women passionate about the Macedonia issue.

This is an issue close to our hearts and about more than just a name. It's about history and culture, it's about identity.

And it's becoming more topical than ever as new provocations arise and the world becomes more globalized.

Based in Australia's second largest city, we seek to give a Greek perspective on all matters relating to the issue, whether they be old or new, originating from the region of Macedonia or somewhere else.

Our position is simple: The people of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) have no claim, cultural or historical, on the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, its former inhabitants, its language, its name.

This applies as well to all irredentist claims today coming from members of the FYROM community, primarily in the diaspora, on the modern, northern Greek region of Macedonia and its capital city, Thessaloniki.

Our ultimate goal, therefore, is to educate people on the issue, especially young people of Greek descent, those second- and third-generation Greeks living in countries like Australia, Canada, and the U.S., so that they too may one day be able to stand up and defend the history of their homeland properly –with facts–, should the need arise.

Posts will be in English and made, where possible, at least once a week.

Melbourne Macedonian is independent and not affiliated with any existing Greek-Macedonian organizations or bodies, whether they be based in Greece or the diaspora.

If you'd like to get in touch with us, give some feedback (positive or negative), or even ask a question, please email

A new post will follow soon.

Yarra River, Melbourne

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